01 |
Write a function that takes in a number and return true if the number is even, false if it is odd. |
02 |
Write a function that takes in a string and return true if the string is empty, false otherwise. |
03 |
Write a function that checks if a given number is prime or not. |
04 |
Write a function that takes in an array of numbers and returns the sum of the numbers. |
05 |
Write a function that checks if a number is positive or negative. |
06 |
Write a function that finds the maximun and minimum number in an array. |
07 |
Write a function that sorts an array of numbers in ascending or descending order. |
08 |
Write a function that finds the factorial of a given number. |
09 |
Write a function that returns the length of a given string. |
10 |
Write a function that checks if a given number is a multiple of both 3 and 5 |
11 |
Write a function that checks the given year is a leap year or not. |
12 |
Write a function that takes in a number and print the fibonacci series till the number. |
13 |
Write a function that search an element in an array. |
14 |
Write a function that converts a string to uppercase. |
15 |
Write a function that converts a string to lowercase. |
16 |
Write a function that checks the given input character is vowel or consonent . |
17 |
Write a function that reverse a number. |
18 |
Write a function that find the duplicate characters in a string. |
19 |
Write a function that copy all elements of one array into second array. |
20 |
Write a function that calculate the square root of the given number. |
21 |
Write a function that remove spaces from a String. |
22 |
Write a function that count the number of vowels, consonants, and spaces in that string. |
23 |
Write a function that calculate the area of the circle. |
24 |
Write a function that check the number is Armstrong number or not. |
25 |
Write a function that find the missing number in array. |
26 |
Write a function that swap two numbers. |
27 |
Write a function that find the greater number among the four number. |
28 |
Write a function that Find the longest word. |
29 |
Write a function that print the number triangle pattern. |
30 |
Write a function that print the Rhombus Pattern. |